Thursday, July 5, 2007

July 4th

we didn't have the best forth of july weather... but we were able to spend most of the day outside bar-b-q-ing... It was a great day of friends and laughter... Griffin was up until midnight playing with everyone and doing flips around the room!!

July 2nd

Today we went and visited my friend Christain (who is also an incredible photograher!) We brought Griffin and Miranda to the park by his house and spent the day relaxing, and sipping iced coffees... and of course taking millions of pictures!!!

July 1st...

My high school best friend, Mike, is visiting from Georgia this week. We've (not so much "we" mostly "he" but I'm along for the ride!!) been working to organize a music festival at the Bald Hill Amphitheater to raise awareness about Broadwater, its really yucky and will destroy Long Island... so we got together at the local Wading River beach... the home of the Shoreham nuclear power plant, long islands last big energy-saving fiasco... (that's the giant aqua building in the background of a few of the photos). We had a meditation on the beach (Positive vibes for my Island *wink*), played some music... and spent most of the day watching Griffin run around the beach!! I of course had my camera in hand the whole time.... (I trimmed this slide show down, I actually took 350 pictures! yikes!!)

June 30th

we went to Project Eco-vision tonight... it was really interesting! all the artists made their work from...well, garbage... unfortunatley my camera battery died, so I only got a few shots... but it was a beautiful little art center in Southhampton and I had a great night with some good people who are trying to save the planet, and be creative at the same time!!!
(the boy (i mean man *wink*) in the pictures is Steve... he's a cutie!)

June 29th

i spent the morning with Patricia and Allison at the tea house...i love this place! its a little English tea room where the make the best scones (with clotted cream and berries!!!) mmmmm!!! after lunch we lounged around the front yard and had a little photo shoot...
in the evening I finally got to see my friend Spane (its been almost a year!!!) and we went down to Cedar Beach and watched the sun set...
i'm really enjoying this camera!!! (i recently got a Canon Rebel xti) i'm still messing around with the settings to see what i like the best... i might have to get a notebook and keep notes as to which pictures were shot with what settings... does anyone else do that??